Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tis the Season to be Thankful...Fa la la la la...

“I met in the street a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, his cloak was out at the elbows, the water passed through his shoes, - and the stars through his soul.” -Victor Hugo

"To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour" -William Blake

I get updates of news headlines on my phone each morning and I can't help but notice a sad trend. All of the updates are shocking, sad, dismal or downright depressing. The economy is crashing, those in power are secretive and corrupt, babies having babies, epidemics, sickness…the list goes on and on. As I sat in my son's room and rocked him to sleep the other night, feeling his soft breath against my neck as he nuzzled in close, and feeling the usual warm, rush of love and thankfulness that fills me when I am sharing quality time with him, I wondered why there are no headlines that glaringly announce to us the good things in life. Personally, I would much rather receive updates notifying me that yet another person pitched in to help paint a school, helped an elderly person across the street or donated a kidney to a family member in need rather than hear only about the negative.

Well, as the holiday season approaches (and in the spirit of being the change I wish to see in the world) I want to take a few moments to recognize some of the heroic people and magnificent things in my life that I am grateful for. These people and things may not ever get to share top billing with a shocking story on the front page of a newspaper, but they are groundbreaking, life changing parts of my existence and just as momentous to me as any news story may be to the rest of the world. If I have little in the way of material possessions and yet am so blessed and my life so enriched, then I know that there must be many like me, who, though they might never have their story shared with the world, will leave the world a better place than they found it just by being here and being happy and kind. So, this holiday season, here are is a short list that highlights a few of the many things I am grateful for:

I am grateful that my father lives close to me and that we are able to create many wonderful memories and share much laughter together. I am grateful that my 93 year old grandfather is alive and well. I am grateful that my extended family consisting of my mother, aunts, uncles, grandmother, and numerous cousins are healthy, happy and thriving on their respective life paths I am grateful that my family members and friends that are having a hard time have a wealth of family and love surrounding them to help them through. I am eternally grateful for the love and dedication of many close friends that, regardless of years and miles have held me close to their hearts and held me up in their prayers to help light my way when I feel lost and to share in my most joyful of times. I am grateful for the love of my husband who knows me through and through, accepts my faults, celebrates my accomplishments and grieves my losses as I do his. I am grateful for a roof over my head and a heater that works well in the Winter, two able hands that can work and two functioning legs that can take me there. I am grateful for a stable (mostly clear headed) mind that lets me look beyond whatever trials are occurring momentarily and allows me to focus on what is possible for the future. I am beyond grateful for the gift of my son who is happy, healthy and thriving and who makes every day feel like a day for celebration.

Making this list just confirms to me that all the little daily things that I may sometimes take for granted are the things that, when looked at collectively, are truly what life is made up of, and that without, I would not be who I am and would certainly not have the richness of spirit and quality of life that I have enjoyed thus far. And for me, that is headline news any day :)

Gratefully Yours,

-New Mommy in Town