Friday, August 7, 2009

7 Months and Counting

As I near my 28th week of pregnancy, I thought I might share some interesting facts about this stage of pregnancy that have been relayed to me through research and by my doctor. Some of them you may know, some are surprising. Either way, as Anais Nin so poignantly stated, "the possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery." So read on....

*At week 28, the baby has reached 2 1/2 lbs and can be up to 16 inches long.

*Baby can now blink, cough, suck, hiccup, take practice breaths and dream (by this stage the baby has begun to get REM sleep)-SO AMAZING!

*Baby's lungs are fully mature by now.

*You will want to begin researching postpartum medication or treatments.

*Baby is getting into position to be born and may be resting on your Sciatica nerve, causing pain through the lower part of the spine that radiates down through your legs. Swimming or water exercises, a warm heating pad, stretching and getting off your feet can help ease this pain.

*Most women go into labor at around 40 weeks, so still another 3 months to go. (Sigh)

*Fetal activity is usually stronger and more frequent.

*Leg cramps, back aches and itchy abdomen may continue/increase for mom.

*Your doctor will give you a Glucose screening test to check for gestational diabetes.

*You will want to begin counting kicks-Morning and night are the most active times. You should be able to feel 10 kicks, flutters or movements within 10 minutes.

*Work out your pelvic floor muscles (with kegel exercises)try to do three sets of 20 daily. Bonus-they make delivery easier, sex better AND you can do them anywhere.

*Now is the time to begin discussing birth plans, whether you will want pain medication during labor and the best type for your situation, breathing exercises, what to bring with you to the hospital the day of your delivery, etc...with your doctor.

7 months and counting (well, counting those kicks anyway).

-New Mommy in Town

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