Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nesting and Birds and Procrasting, Oh my!

Long time no write. I have missed my poor little blog, sitting here, isolated on the Internet with no one to show it love, not knowing if I would ever stop by to visit again. Well, fret not little blog. I am back. I figured that I would resist the lure of resting my wings on the couch, visiting with my good friend, the remote control or perching upon my comfy bed, with my well worn pajamas and a good book and instead, I would get up and write something! Can I get an amen for ambition?

As I enter my 34th week if pregnancy. I am finding it harder and harder to not only find ambition, but to then actually find the energy to follow through on anything I ambitiously start. Lets take for example, my weeks long goal of cleaning/organizing the garage. I will wake in the morning, feeling refreshed and ready to go, I will diligently proceed to follow through on my commitment to pulling everything out of the garage, spreading it across the living room floor, and scattering some boxes around to put things in. Then, suddenly, and without warning, I find myself utterly exhausted. engulfed by mountains of various items and empty boxes, sitting on my living room floor and thinking that said floor looks like a mighty comfy place to take a quick nap if I could just clear a space. Once this train of thought begins to roll along the tracks it is a lost cause to try to stop it. Suddenly my hands are furiously shoving items into boxes in no particular order, rushing to fling those boxes back into the garage, often leaving the space in a more wild state of disarray than when I had originally started and, once that feat is completed, promptly lowering myself into napping position so that I might drift into a relaxed, trance like state while promising myself that all will get done...tomorrow.

From what I hear, this reoccurring predicament is a fairly normal one for the "very pregnant", the "very very pregnant" and the "dangerously close to giving birth pregnant" women of our society. As common as it may be however, it is extremely frustrating to me as I have always been one to follow through with my commitments regardless of how time consuming or tedious they may be. I can't shake the feeling that I am constantly working on various home projects only to end up with more of a mess than I started with in the first place and wondering how I will ever get it all done.

What type of bird would I have made I wonder? Trying to create a nest for my offspring while dropping sticks, carelessly breaking them in half, shoving them into some random assortment, absentmindedly falling from trees and chirping some maniacal tune that no other bird could decipher while drifting off to sleep every hour....probably not a very good one.

Well, so here I am. In the midst of piles of housework, half finished projects and a nagging feeling of fatigue. Writing again is a start. It is more than a start actually. In the midst of all that is not done, this entry alone is a shining example of something that I started AND finished. Not only that, writing gets the creative juices flowing and makes me feel like I am using my brain for something other than eating and/or sleeping. I find that the more I write, the more I am inspired to write and this sets off a positive chain reaction where I am getting SOMETHING done. And that something, even if it is a small something, feels good.

So, on that happy note, let me just say to you: areva derche and bonswa my friends. Until next time...

I solemnly promise that my next entry/entries will be beautifully written, inspirational, groundbreaking, heart wrenching, New York Times Bestseller stuff and an absolute pleasure to read. OK, I do not promise any of those things. I do however promise (if only for myself) that it will not be such a long time before I write again. If it is all I can do to drag myself to the keyboard and type out a single, solitary coherent sentence, I will follow through to get the job done!

With Love,

-New Mommy in Town